As we look towards the future, digital transformation is a topic that we continue to discuss. Organizations throughout the world are looking to transform their tools to provide an environment where employees are empowered to work efficiently and productively. We are also undergoing transformations with a focus on examining how science and technology are changing the future of work. We help companies to adjust their strategies and approach to remain competitive over the next decade.
Digital Transformations led to Business Revolutions

Agile manifesto
Today’s businesses need to respond to digital disruptions very fast to reap the benefits. So, rapidly changing technology and evolving customer needs require a new way of developing application software — one that is more agile, lean, collaborative, flexible, even more fun.
Evos Solutions is committed to taking on this challenge as we strive to meet customer requirements, provide a more satisfying team member experience, and stay ahead of our competitors. We put in a lot of effort on the process of training our developers in a revolutionary approach to development. The process begins with looking at how our developers capture user requirements, connect with customers using the product features, and incorporate their feedback into the development cycle. We also ensure the right technology is in place to leverage cloud native which maximizes the use of cloud environments that supports iterative and fast deployments using Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CICD). Our development culture is centered on embedding customer feedback directly into the development process. Our creative development cycle with technology allows us to use customer feedback to make modifications to the features of our product and put it back into production so our internal customers can reuse it instantaneously.
Ultimately, all these have enabled us to build high-quality software at start-up speeds and create happier customers and employees in the process.
Today’s businesses need to respond to digital disruptions very fast to reap the benefits. So, rapidly changing technology and evolving customer needs require a new way of developing application software — one that is more agile, lean, collaborative, flexible, even more fun.
Evos Solutions is committed to taking on this challenge as we strive to meet customer requirements, provide a more satisfying team member experience, and stay ahead of our competitors. We put in a lot of effort on the process of training our developers in a revolutionary approach to development. The process begins with looking at how our developers capture user requirements, connect with customers using the product features, and incorporate their feedback into the development cycle. We also ensure the right technology is in place to leverage cloud native which maximizes the use of cloud environments that supports iterative and fast deployments using Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CICD). Our development culture is centered on embedding customer feedback directly into the development process. Our creative development cycle with technology allows us to use customer feedback to make modifications to the features of our product and put it back into production so our internal customers can reuse it instantaneously.
Ultimately, all these have enabled us to build high-quality software at start-up speeds and create happier customers and employees in the process.
Microservices architecture style
Microservices has become a hot buzzword in the IT media. In fact this is not a new revolutionary technology, but rather the latest evolutionary step of the services approach. In fact, Microservices are the result of the marriage of cloud, DevOps, and ‘service-thinking’. Microservices can be defined as small, independently deployable modules that interact with one another using lightweight, loosely-coupled communication pathways. But, it is less about size and more about the implementation and delivery of resilient software systems that embrace change and evolution.
Microservices are more complex simply because there are more moving parts. In other words, more services, more potential problems. When an error happens, it can be harder to identify and correlate the issue. But at Evos those problems have been mitigated by the adoption of tooling (monitoring, tracing, etc.) and best practices. Our microservice architecture strictly follow a set of best practices in which source code are stored and managed at the service level. Here each service is responsible for only one business function or context. Domain-driven design is adopted to facilitate the identification of service and transactional boundaries. We have also designated tools and frameworks for monitoring, tracing, continuous integration/delivery such that maximum visibility into runtime environment is attained.

Delivery of Cloud Computing
Cloud has revolutionized business in ways impossible to imagine. It is both a catalyst and a connector and will continue to be a foundational source for innovation and growth. Cloud computing has a great impact in information technology (IT) trend and its momentum is only increasing.
With appropriate understanding and application of cloud, Evos is using cloud as the glue that binds together business capabilities through technologies—everything from the Internet of Things to digital, as a service models, cognitive computing, biometrics, and augmented reality to name a few. Our strategy and best practices help our clients weave cloud into the fabric of their businesses and deliver everything "as-a-Service" or at the least take a first step in the full transformation.