Blockchain technology provides new infrastructure to build the next innovative applications beyond cryptocurrencies,
driving profound, positive changes across business, communities and society.
Blockchain’s ability to let anyone send value to anyone else around the world in a secure, efficient and affordable
manner promises to have the same disruptive impact the internet has had on our world over the past 25 years.
The blockchain is, of course, being used to create all sorts of cryptocurrencies, led by Bitcoin and Ethereum.
But more important, it is touching all different industries. The advertising industry plans to use it to track ads on the
internet; the music industry is planning to use it to track songs; banks and mortgage companies want to use it to track
the deeds of homes and the complex process of tracking all the documentation; shipping companies are investing in
blockchain technology to track bills of lading, the pharmaceutical industry wants to use the technology to verify the
drug supply chain.
Blockchain will supercharge artificial intelligence and IoT to make everything from supply chains to digital identity
management smarter and more secure.
Blockchain is about solving society’s ultimate challenge: trust.